    杨德志, 黄 华, 张建刚, 许 鲁. 大容量、高性能、高扩展能力的蓝鲸分布式文件系统[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2005, 42(6): 1028-1033.
    引用本文: 杨德志, 黄 华, 张建刚, 许 鲁. 大容量、高性能、高扩展能力的蓝鲸分布式文件系统[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2005, 42(6): 1028-1033.
    Yang Dezhi, Huang Hua, Zhang Jiangang, Xu Lu. BWFS: A Distributed File System with Large Capacity, High Throughput and High Scalability[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2005, 42(6): 1028-1033.
    Citation: Yang Dezhi, Huang Hua, Zhang Jiangang, Xu Lu. BWFS: A Distributed File System with Large Capacity, High Throughput and High Scalability[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2005, 42(6): 1028-1033.


    BWFS: A Distributed File System with Large Capacity, High Throughput and High Scalability

    • 摘要: 应用需求和计算机技术的发展使网络化存储系统成为网络服务器系统中I/O子系统研究的热点.作为网络存储系统关键部件,分布式文件系统的研究具有非常重要的意义. 蓝鲸分布式文件系统(BWFS)是国家高性能计算机工程技术研究中心基于对国内外现有研究成果的分析和研究,自主设计实现的分布式文件系统.它着重于大容量、高I/O吞吐率和高扩展能力等方面特性. BWFS已经用到BW1K网络存储系统中,并通过BW1K的初步评测数据验证了这些特性.


      Abstract: With the increasing requirements of applications and developments in computer science, research on networking storage system (NSS) becomes hot spot of I/O subsystem research. As one of the core components of NSS, distributed file systems should be paid much attention to. Based on the study of the existing research results, BlueWhale File System (BWFS) was designed by NRCHPC, the Institute of Computing technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. And it enables large capacity, high throughput and high scalability of BW1K NSS. In this paper, we described architecture of BWFS and its major characteristics are described and the test results of BW1K NSS are used to verify these characteristics.


