    云 健 刘向东 刘勇奎. 文化认同及文化版图演化现象的社会计算模型[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2013, 50(12): 2590-2602.
    引用本文: 云 健 刘向东 刘勇奎. 文化认同及文化版图演化现象的社会计算模型[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2013, 50(12): 2590-2602.
    Yun Jian, Liu Xiangdong, and Liu Yongkui. Computational Modeling of a Social Phenomenon: Evolution of Cultural Identity and Cultural Territory[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2013, 50(12): 2590-2602.
    Citation: Yun Jian, Liu Xiangdong, and Liu Yongkui. Computational Modeling of a Social Phenomenon: Evolution of Cultural Identity and Cultural Territory[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2013, 50(12): 2590-2602.


    Computational Modeling of a Social Phenomenon: Evolution of Cultural Identity and Cultural Territory

    • 摘要: 文化认同以及由于文化认同感的演变结果与地理边界的不一致性在文化版图上形成的文化侵蚀现象、文化融合现象等文化安全问题是文化领域的核心问题之一.在社会计算方法引入之前,该问题是典型的不能假设、无法进行计算实验的社会科学问题.将社会计算方法引入这一核心问题,使对该问题的实验研究进入到一个无风险的实验空间;运用基于多智能体的人工社会建模技术,确定了若干可刻画跨文化交流或文化内部环境稳定性的计算因子、文化抗消解惯性因子、文化身份状态因子、异族群的智能体间地理距离因子、“安土重迁”心理特征因子及“安土重迁”行为特征因子等;在此基础上,给出了刻画文化认同及其版图边界演变过程中文化侵蚀、文化融合与文化保护等现象的社会计算模型,并进行了大量的社会计算实验.实验结果表明:所选取的各种计算因子都是影响文化认同及其版图演化过程的重要因素,但作用各不相同;文化认同感演化的诸多规律也由该模型得出.该计算模型今后可在各类文化保护方案设计和方案效果评估等实际社会工作中发挥作用.


      Abstract: Cultural identity is one of the core problems in cultural field. Cultural identity problem refers to the phenomenon of cultural erosion and cultural integration appearing on the cultural territory inconsistent with geological boundaries. This phenomenon is caused by the evolution of the sense of cultural identity. Before the social computing methods are introduced in, this problem is a typically social science problem which can’t be applied to computing experiments. In this paper, we apply social computing methods to this problem. The experimental research of it is brought into a risk-free space. Using the artificial social modeling techniques based on the multi-agents, we have identified several computing factors. These computing factors can characterize the cross-cultural communication and the internal stability of the cultural environment. The factors such as cultural resist-digestion inertia factor, cultural identity status factor, geological distance factor among different populations and the psychological and behavior characteristics factors of “hate-to-leave” are included. Based on these factors, the computational model is given to describe the phenomenon of cultural erosion, cultural integration and cultural protection. We make a lot of social computing experiments and the results show that all the selected computing factors affect the evolution of cultural identity and cultural territory in different ways, and the evolution law can be derived from this computational model. In future, this model can play a role in the scheme design of cultural protection and effectiveness evaluation of solutions.


