

    Elastic Mobile Cloud Computing:State of the Art and Security Analysis

    • 摘要: 弹性移动云计算(elastic mobile cloud computing, EMCC)中,移动设备按照实时需求将部分任务迁移到云端执行,无缝透明的利用云资源增强自身功能.将现有EMCC方案分为雇佣云端完成部分计算密集任务的计算迁移型移动云计算(computing migration-mobile cloud computing, CM-MCC)和通过云端的虚拟移动设备来辅助或代替移动设备完成多种任务的云端代理型移动云计算(cloud agent-mobile cloud computing, CA-MCC)两类,分别对CM-MCC,CA-MCC的适用场景、实现流程、关键技术、存在问题及相应解决方法进行研究并指出其发展方向.对EMCC所面临的主要安全威胁,包括用户的错误操作或恶意行为、恶意代码、通信安全以及虚拟系统漏洞、多租户、不安全资源等云安全问题进行分析并研究相应防御方法,指出安全问题将是EMCC研究的重点和难点.


      Abstract: Elastic mobile cloud computing (EMCC) enables the seamless and transparent use of cloud resource to augment the capability of mobile devices by off-loading parts of mobile devices’ tasks to cloud according to the real-time user requirement. By summarizing the service providing models of EMCC, we divide existing EMCC models into two categories: computing migration-mobile cloud computing(CM-MCC), in which the mobile devices employ the cloud to perform the parts of their computing intensive tasks; and cloud agent-mobile cloud computing(CA-MCC), in which the cloud maintains one or more virtual mobile devices for each mobile device and these virtual mobile devices are synchronized with the mobile device to complete various tasks such as computing, storage, security and communication instead of the mobile device. Then the applicable scenarios, the implementation method, the key issues, and the future research of EMCC models in each category are studied. After that, we analyze the critical security threats of EMCC, including users’ error operations or malicious actions, malicious applications, communications security problems, and cloud computing security issues such as the vulnerabilities of virtual system, multi-tenant problems, malicious cloud service providers. The corresponding defenses of these threats are discussed. At last, we point out that security is a key issue for EMCC.


