
    2.4 GHz无线网络共存技术研究进展

    Research on Wireless Network Co-Existence at 2.4 GHz

    • 摘要: 信息时代的众多网络应用需求孕育了多种多样的无线网络通信协议,蓬勃发展的物联网将众多无线网络协议纳入了一个共同的网络框架内.随着物联网系统的广泛应用,同一区域内,尤其在室内环境中,多种无线网络协议共存的情况越来越普遍.众多共存的无线网络协议不仅不能彼此分享数据信息,反而会对彼此造成干扰,影响通信效率.因此,无线网络协议共存技术近年来成为了工业界和学术界的研究热点.然而现在关于2.4 GHz频段上的无线网络共存的综述研究或仅仅针对某2种协议间的共存,或缺少对最新技术的总结.因此,在重新梳理相关研究的基础上,介绍了共存问题的成因,分析了共存问题的影响,按照共存环境复杂性,回顾了现有工作提出的关键共存技术,包括同质干扰的避让、容忍和并发传输,异质干扰的检测、识别和异质干扰环境下的共存传输.最后,展望了物联网发展大环境下共存技术的发展趋势——更广泛的互联互通.


      Abstract: In the information era, the great diversity of application demands calls for the adoption of different wireless communication protocols. As Internet of things (IoT) has gotten dramatic development in recent years, those wireless protocols are included in a common networking framework. With IoT applications getting proliferated, we will witness the co-existence of multiple wireless protocols in the same space, especially in indoor environments. Due to the different communication standards, generally those co-existing protocols cannot directly share information with each other, leading to inevitable interference and degraded network performance. Co-existence of wireless protocols thus becomes a hot topic in both academic and industrial fields. Based on the survey of recent studies in wireless network co-existence, this article illuminates the root causes of the co-existence problem and analyzes its impacts on network designs and performance. The taxonomy of wireless network co-existence is presented, which categories the existing works into three classes: elimination of homogeneous interference, identification of heterogeneous interference, and cross-protocol communication. The potential research directions in this area are further discussed.


