

    Edge Computing: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions

    • 摘要: 随着万物互联时代的到来,网络边缘设备产生的数据量快速增加,带来了更高的数据传输带宽需求,同时,新型应用也对数据处理的实时性提出了更高要求,传统云计算模型已经无法有效应对,因此,边缘计算应运而生.边缘计算的基本理念是将计算任务在接近数据源的计算资源上运行,可以有效减小计算系统的延迟,减少数据传输带宽,缓解云计算中心压力,提高可用性,并能够保护数据安全和隐私.得益于这些优势,边缘计算从2014年以来迅速发展.旨在探讨3个问题:边缘计算从哪里来、它的现状如何、它要到哪里去.围绕这3个问题,首先梳理了边缘计算的发展历程,将其归纳为技术储备期、快速增长期和稳健发展期3个阶段,并列举了不同阶段的典型事件.随后,总结了推动边缘计算迅速发展的7项关键技术,并结合已经广泛采用边缘计算的6类典型应用进行了说明.最后,提出了边缘计算在未来发展中需要紧迫解决的6类问题.


      Abstract: With the burgeoning of the Internet of everything, the amount of data generated by edge devices increases dramatically, resulting in higher network bandwidth requirements. In the meanwhile, the emergence of novel applications calls for the lower latency of the network. It is an unprecedented challenge to guarantee the quality of service while dealing with a massive amount of data for cloud computing, which has pushed the horizon of edge computing. Edge computing calls for processing the data at the edge of the network and develops rapidly from 2014 as it has the potential to reduce latency and bandwidth charges, address the limitation of computing capability of cloud data center, increase availability as well as protect data privacy and security. This paper mainly discusses three questions about edge computing: where does it come from, what is the current status and where is it going? This paper first sorts out the development process of edge computing and divides it into three periods: technology preparation period, rapid growth period and steady development period. This paper then summarizes seven essential technologies that drive the rapid development of edge computing. After that, six typical applications that have been widely used in edge computing are illustrated. Finally, this paper proposes six open problems that need to be solved urgently in future development.


