

    Kernel Configuration Infographic Based on Multi-Label and Its Application

    • 摘要: Linux内核提供了灵活的内核配置项机制, 便于针对不同的应用场景进行个性化定制.但内核配置项的数量巨大且增长快速, 配置项的默认值在不同内核版本中经常改变, 即使专业的内核团队设置配置项也面临很多挑战.针对上述问题, 提出基于多标签的内核配置图, 该图包含内核配置项间的依赖关系、功能标签、性能标签、安全标签和配置项使能率.此外, 该图提供了可视化功能, 更加直观、高效、人性化.该内核配置图在内核配置项异常值检测、内核启动优化、内核裁剪、内核安全增强、内核性能优化、内核配置项智能问答等场景均可应用.且将内核配置图应用到检索场景, 实现了面向内核配置项的检索框架KCIR(kernel config information retrieval), 该框架基于内核配置图对查询语句和内核配置项描述文本进行了扩展, 实验评估表明KCIR和传统检索框架相比, 检索效果有显著提升, 验证了内核配置图在实际应用中的有效性和实用性.


      Abstract: The Linux kernel provides flexible configuration items to customize the kernel for various application scenarios. However, the number of kernel configuration items is huge and growing rapidly, and the values of configuration items often change in different kernel versions, even professional kernel teams face many challenges when setting the values of configuration items. This paper presents an infographic containing a variety of information for kernel configuration items. The infographic contains the dependencies among configuration items, function labels, performance labels, security labels, and configuration item enable rates. In addition, the infographic provides a visualization interface, which is more intuitive, efficient and user-friendly. The infographic can be widely used in scenarios such as kernel startup optimization, kernel size tailoring, kernel security enhancement, kernel performance optimization, kernel configuration item abnormality detection, kernel configuration item intelliqient question and answering, and kernel configuration item recommendation. To verify the validity of the infographic, we have designed a configuration item-oriented retrieval framework KCIR based on the infographic, which implements query expansion based on multi-label information and text extension based on the dependencies between kernel configuration items, and our experiments demonstrate that KCIR is more effective than the traditional retrieval frameworks. The use of the infographic in the information retrieval field illustrates its effectiveness and practicality.


