Agile Design of Processor Chips: Issues and Challenges
摘要: 现有处理器芯片设计主要使用性能导向的设计方法,基于多步骤反复迭代的EDA技术进行性能-面积-功耗综合优化,导致极高的研发成本、周期及技术门槛.借鉴面向对象软件设计思想,以敏捷度(开发周期、开发成本和复杂度)为新的导向指标,在兼顾性能和可靠性的前提下,提出以面向对象体系结构(object-oriented architecture, OOA)设计范式为基础的处理器敏捷设计方法.OOA设计方法旨在通过设计范式、语言与EDA工具,实现通用处理器CPU和专用处理器XPU体系结构细粒度对象的易分解、易组合和易扩展.详细梳理了OOA各技术领域的研究现状,并深入探讨了现有处理器设计方法向OOA设计目标转化存在的诸多挑战.Abstract: Design of processor chips currently relies on the performance-oriented design method that focuses on hybrid optimizations among chip frequency, area and power consumption with multi-step and repetitive iterations via modern electronic design automation (EDA) techniques. Such conventional methodology results in significant costs, long period and high technical threshold. In this paper, we introduce an object-oriented architecture (OOA) paradigm with the idea borrowed from the software engineering area, and propose an OOA-based agile processor design methodology. Unlike the conventional performance-oriented design method, the proposed OOA-based agile design method mainly aims to shorten the development cycle, and to reduce the cost and complexity without sacrificing performance and reliability, which is evaluated as a new metric, agile degree. OOA expects to implement a series of decomposable, composable, and extensible objects in architectures of both general-purpose CPUs and application-specific XPUs via the object-oriented design paradigm, language and EDA tools. We further summary the research progress in each technical field covered by OOA, and analyze the challenges that may arise in the future research of OOA-based agile design methodology.
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