

    Anonymous Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for 5G-V2V Based on PUF

    • 摘要: 针对目前5G车联网中车辆之间(vehicle-to-vehicle, V2V)通信的认证与密钥协商方案算法复杂、时延高的问题,提出一种基于物理不可克隆函数(physical unclonable function, PUF)的5G车联网V2V匿名认证与密钥协商协议.协议通过引入轻量级PUF避免了V2V认证中的数字签名操作,并精简通信步骤,成功减轻车辆的计算和通信开销.协议还借助PUF实现了车辆的车载单元(on board unit, OBU)和5G SIM卡的绑定,解决了身份假冒问题.同时,通过构建身份索引表,实现监管部门通过5G服务网(serving work, SN)对车辆的伪身份溯源,满足条件匿名性要求.使用形式化工具AVISPA验证了协议在Dolve-Yao模型下的安全性,并在计算开销、通信开销、安全性方面优于已有的车联网匿名通信协议,可为5G车联网的V2V通信提供基本安全保障.


      Abstract: In order to solve complex algorithm and high time delay for vehicle-to-vehicle(V2V) communication in 5G vehicle-to-everything(V2X), an anonymous V2V authentication and key agreement protocol based on physical unclonable function(PUF) is proposed. By using lightweight PUF, vehicles can avoid digital signature, key storage and certificate escrow to reduce the overhead of calculation and storage. At the same time, our protocol only needs one-way communication between two vehicles and 5G service network(SN) and one handshake communication between two vehicles to complete V2V authentication and key agreement scheme, which can greatly reduce the communication overhead and time delay. What’s more, PUF binds the on board unit(OBU) of vehicle to the 5G SIM card, which can resist identity forgery attacks. Through the construction of identity index table, the regulatory authority can track the source of vehicles’ pseudo identities through 5G SN, which satisfies conditional anonymity. The security of the proposed protocol is proved in the Dolve-Yao model by AVISPA which is a formal analysis tool. Also, it is superior to the existing 5G V2X anonymous communication protocols in terms of computation overhead, communication overhead and security. Our protocol can provide essential security for V2V communication in 5G V2X.


