

    An On-chain Mechanism Against DeFi Price Manipulation Attacks

    • 摘要: 价格操控攻击通过改变去中心化金融项目的数字资产存量操控资产链上价格,从而攻击其清算机制以实现不当牟利,是目前去中心化金融生态最主要的安全威胁之一. 目前主流的安全防御手段是通过预言机获取不易被操控的链下价格,但频繁将链下数据更新上链会导致预言机的维护成本高昂,因而无法满足工业界需求. 为解决上述问题,提出一种针对价格操控攻击的防御机制,通过链下价格来指导链上价格操控行为的识别,以合约代理的形式实现对价格操纵交易的拦截,并通过低频的价格获取降低交易提交的频率和链下数据更新上链的成本,进而实现价格操控攻击的防御成本和识别精度之间的折中. 实验表明,该方法在降低预言机30%以上运维成本的前提下,对价格操纵攻击的防御率达到97.5%.


      Abstract: Price manipulation attacks manipulate the on-chain prices of decentralized financial (DeFi) projects by altering the digital asset stock, thereby attacking their liquidation mechanisms to achieve improper profits. Nowadays, price manipulation attacks have emerged as the most significant security threats to the current decentralized financial ecosystem. To defend from the price manipulation attacks, the oracle obtains the exchange prices from the real world, which are difficult to manipulate. However, the maintenance expense of the oracle is very high due to frequent on-chain data update, making it challenging to meet industrial demand. To address these issues, we propose a defense mechanism against price manipulation attacks. This mechanism utilizes off-chain prices to guide the identification of on-chain price manipulation behaviors and intercepts price manipulative transactions through a contract proxy. The mechanism reduces the frequency of price submissions and the cost of updating off-chain data on-chain through low-frequency price feeding. This compromise aims to balance the cost of defense against price manipulation attacks with the precision of identification. Based on the experimental findings, we have conclusively demonstrated that our innovative method substantially diminishes the overall maintenance cost by over 30%, concurrently achieving an outstanding success rate of 97.5% in effectively safeguarding against price manipulation attacks.


