In order to exploit both thread-level parallelism (TLP) and instruction-level parallelism (ILP) of programs, dynamic multi-core technique can reconfigure multiple small cores to a more powerful virtual core. Usually a virtual core is weaker than a native core with equivalent chip resource. One important reason is that the fetch, decode and rename frontend stages are hard to cooperate after reconfiguration because of their serialized processing nature. To solve this problem, we propose a new frontend design called the dataflow cache with a corresponding vector renaming (VR) mechanism. By caching and reusing the data dependencies and other information of the instruction basicblock, the dataflow cache exploits the dataflow locality of programs. Firstly, the processor core can exploit better instruction-level parallelism and lower branch misprediction penalty with dataflow cache; Secondly, the virtual core in dynamic multi-core can solve its frontend problem by using dataflow cache to bypass the traditional frontend stages. By experimenting on the SPEC CPU2006 programs, we prove that dataflow cache can cover 90% of the dynamic instructions with limited cost. Then, we analyze the performance effect of adding the dataflow cache to pipeline. At last, experiments show that with a frontend of 4-instruction wide and an instruction window of 512-entry, the performance of the virtual core with dataflow cache is improved up to 9.4% in average with a 28% maximum for some programs.