

    Research on Cross Technology Communication

    • 摘要: 随着物联网应用的广泛普及,同一区域尤其是室内环境中,各种各样无线网络协议共存的情况越来越普遍,从而导致信道竞争、信号冲突、吞吐下降等严重的干扰问题.相比于传统被动式的干扰避让、容忍和并发机制,不同无线技术之间主动进行数据共享和融合协调才是解决共存问题的关键.跨技术通信方法由此成为近年来学术界和工业界的研究热点,它能够实现异构设备之间直接的数据传输和信息交换.目前大部分的研究成果是针对具体的2种异构无线设备之间跨技术通信的使能技术,但缺少对跨技术通信方法的思考和总结.因此,在重新梳理相关研究的基础上,分析了跨技术通信方法产生的背景和研究意义,总结了现有工作提出的跨技术通信方法,包括基于数据包级别的跨技术通信方法和基于物理层级别的跨技术通信方法,并介绍了跨技术通信的相关应用场景.最后,展望了物联网技术的发展趋势,实现跨网络、跨频率、跨介质的互联互通.


      Abstract: The ever-developing Internet of things (IoT) brings the prosperity of wireless sensing and control application. In many scenarios, different wireless technologies coexist in the shared frequency medium as well as the physical space. Such wireless coexistence may lead to serious cross technology interference (CTI) problems, e.g. channel competition, signal collision, throughput degradation. Compared with traditional methods like interference avoidance, tolerance and concurrency mechanism, directly and timely information exchange among heterogeneous devices is therefore a fundamental requirement to ensure the usability, inter-operability and reliability of the IoT. Under this circumstance, cross technology communication (CTC) method thus becomes a hot topic in both academic and industrial field, which aims at directly exchanging data among heterogeneous devices that follow different standards. Most of existing research works focus on the enabling technology of CTC, but lack of thinking and summary of CTC methods. Based on the survey of recent studies in CTC method, we first analyze the background and significance of CTC method. We category existing methods as two classes including packet-level CTC and physical-level CTC, and introduce the application scenarios of CTC method. The potential research directions in this area are further discussed, which is promising to achieve cross-networks, cross-frequency, and cross-medium connections.


