

    Research on Graph-Based Point Cloud: A Survey

    • 摘要: 点云的处理、传输、语义分割等是3维计算机视觉领域重要的分析任务. 现如今,图神经网络和图结构在点云研究方面的有效性已被证实,基于图的点云研究(graph-based point cloud,GPC)不断涌现. 因此,一种统一的研究角度、框架和方法论亟待形成. 系统性梳理了GPC研究的各种应用场景,包括配准、降噪、压缩、表示学习、分类、分割、检测等任务,概括出GPC研究的一般性框架,提出了一条覆盖当前GPC全域研究的技术路线. 具体来说,给出了GPC研究的分层概念范畴,包括底层数据处理、中层表示学习、高层识别任务;综述了各领域中的GPC模型或算法,包括静态和动态点云的处理算法、有监督和无监督的表示学习模型、传统或机器学习的GPC识别算法;总结了其中代表性的成果及其核心思想,譬如动态更新每层特征空间对应的最近邻图、分层以及参数共享的动态点聚合模块、结合图划分和图卷积提高分割精度;对比了模型性能,包括总体精度(overall accuracy,OA)、平均精度(mean accuracy,mAcc)、平均交并比(mean intersection over union,mIoU);在分析比较现有模型和方法的基础上,归纳了GPC目前面临的主要挑战,提出相应的研究问题,并展望未来的研究方向. 建立的GPC研究框架具有一般性和通用性,为后续研究者从事GPC这个新型交叉领域研究提供了领域定位、技术总结及宏观视角. 点云研究的出现,是探测器硬件技术长足进步后应运而生的结果;点云研究的现状表明在理论和实践之间存在一些挑战,一些关键问题还有待解决. 同时,点云研究的发展将推动人工智能进入新的时代.


      Abstract: The processing, transmission, and semantic segmentation of point clouds are important analytical tasks in the field of 3D computer vision. Nowadays, the effectiveness of graph neural networks and graph structures in point cloud research has been confirmed, and graph-based point cloud (GPC) research continues to emerge. Therefore, a unified research perspective, framework and methodology need to be formed. This paper systematically sorts out various application scenarios of GPC research, including registration, denoising, compression, representation learning, classification, segmentation, detection and other tasks, summarizes the general framework of GPC research, and proposes a technical route covering the current GPC research. Specifically, this paper gives the hierarchical concept category of GPC research, including low-level data processing, intermediate representation learning, and high-level recognition tasks. GPC models or algorithms in various fields are reviewed, including static and dynamic point cloud processing algorithms, supervised and unsupervised representation learning models, and traditional or machine learning GPC recognition algorithms. The representative achievements and their core ideas are summarized, such as dynamically updating the nearest neighbor graph at each layer of feature space, hierarchical and parameter sharing dynamic point aggregation module, and segmentation accuracy improvement employing graph partitioning as well as graph convolution. The model performances are compared, including OA (overall accuracy), mAcc (mean accuracy) and mIoU (mean intersection over union). Based on the analysis and comparison of existing models and methods, the main challenges faced by GPC are summarized, the corresponding research issues are put forward, and the future research directions are explored. The GPC research framework established in this paper is general and comprehensive, which provides field positioning, technical summary and macro perspective for subsequent researchers to engage in this new cross-field research of GPC. The emergence of point cloud research is the result of the rapid progress of detector hardware technology. The current state of point cloud research indicates some challenges between theory and practical applications, and there are still some key issues to be addressed. However, the development of point cloud research is expected to propel artificial intelligence into a new era.


