作为互联网数据传输的“最后一公里”,终端网络看似简单却构成99%的性能瓶颈. 经典设计面向典型设备常规环境,难以兼顾多样化场景,导致严重性能落差. 通过云端汇聚并深度诊断大规模终端网络异常,在可用、可靠、可信3个关键维度揭示经典设计多处重要缺陷,采用跨层跨代的协同强化方法针对性修复(如时变非齐次4G/5G双连接管理方法最小化断网概率),实现无场景预设的自调控机制设计. 应用于公安部高速网络、1700万“测网速”app用户、七千万小米手机、一亿百度手机卫士用户以及九亿WiFi设备. 近年来进一步开展基于云端模拟器的前瞻网络设计,无需真实用户设备参与即可发现并修复潜在缺陷,让终端网络设计“生于云、长于云”. 研究成果应用于华为DevEco Studio集成开发环境、腾讯应用市场、谷歌安卓模拟器及字节跳动多款流行应用(如抖音和今日头条).
Abstract:As the “last mile” of Internet content delivery, terminal networks seem rather simple but in fact constitute 99% of the performance bottlenecks. Classic design is usually oriented to typical devices and regular environments, thus making it difficult to accommodate and reproduce diversified scenarios and resulting in severe performance degradation. By comprehensively gathering and deeply diagnosing the anomalies of large-scale complex terminal networks at the cloud, we have revealed several important defects of the classic design for terminal networks in three key dimensions—availability, reliability and credibility. In order to fix these defects effectively and efficiently, the cross-layer and cross-technology collaboratively reinforced design methodology is adopted (e.g., the time-inhomogeneous 4G/5G dual connectivity management method is utilized to minimize the probability of network disconnection), so as to fulfill self-regulation mechanism design for ubiquitous scenarios. The research achievements have been applied to the high-speed network of the Ministry of Public Security, 17 million UUSpeedTest App users, 70 million Xiaomi mobile phones, 100 million Baidu PhoneGuard users, and 900 million WiFi devices. In recent years, we have also conducted forward-looking network design based on cloud-hosted emulators to discover and fix potential defects without real-world user engagement, thus making the design of terminal networks “born in the cloud and grow in the cloud”. The research achievements have been applied to Huawei DevEco Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment), Tencent App Market, Google Android Emulator, and multiple popular Apps (like Douyin and Toutiao) of ByteDance.
- terminal network /
- network measurement /
- network design /
- cloud native /
- network emulation
终端网络是互联网的重要组成部分,它连接骨干网络和终端网络,对用户体验的影响最为直接. 随着5G/6G、物联网等技术的发展,终端网络的性能需求不断提升,承载着诸如智慧城市和工业互联网等新兴应用,是推动社会数字化转型的重要基础设施,是未来网络演进不可忽视的重要研究对象. 清华大学李振华教授团队通过分析终端网络中存在的用户困惑和技术鸿沟问题,从“可用性、可靠性、可信性”三个关键维度进行研究,提出云原生强化设计的理念,实现终端网络大规模的测量分析与设计优化,并在多个工业系统中取得了良好的应用效果. 文章突出从用户视角出发的设计思想,对提升网络终端的可用性、可靠性与安全性做出了系统性的探索,主要包括以下三个核心点:
2)围绕云原生强化设计的创新模式,综合考量技术和非技术多方面因素,利用服务器无感知基础设施、以微服务形态测量分析大规模终端网络,并针对复杂场景下的异构性能缺陷,跨层跨代协同强化,自适应改进终端网络设计. 最终实现终端网络的整体完善和全面进化,让终端网络服务更加高效、安全和可靠. 这些方法对现实中的网络运营与演进具有重要借鉴意义.
总体而言,该研究工作系统而全面地分析了终端网络面临的问题,并在理论和实践上进行了有益的探索,形成了一套改善网络性能的方法体系. 这对推动基于云原生的网络技术发展具有较大的参考价值. 后续工作可以在技术普适性和用户感知等方面进行拓展,以建立一个更智能、自主的网络系统,这将对万物互联时代数字社会的进步具有重要意义.
李振华, 王泓懿, 李洋, 林灏, 杨昕磊. 大规模复杂终端网络的云原生强化设计[J]. 计算机研究与发展,2024,61(1):2−19. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202330726
以中国大陆为例,存在8个核心IXPs,分别位于北京、上海、广州、南京、沈阳、武汉、成都和西安.https://FastBTS.github.iohttp://FastBTS.thucloud.comhttp://uuspeed.uutest.cnhttps://MobileBandwidth.github.iohttps://SipLoader.github.iohttps://CellularReliability.github.iohttps://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3452296.3472908https://10046.mi.comhttps://mvno-optimization.github.iohttps://shoujiweishi.baidu.comhttps://www.wifi.comhttps://syzs.qq.comhttps://DevEcoStudio.huawei.comhttps://TrinityEmulator.github.iohttps://HoneyCloud.github.iohttps://sj.qq.comhttps://APIChecker.github.iohttps://issuetracker.google.com/issues/262255458 -
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