

    A Review of Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms Based on Variational Quantum Circuit

    • 摘要: 随着数据规模的增加,机器学习的重要性与影响力随之增大. 借助量子力学的原理能够实现量子计算,结合量子计算和机器学习形成的量子机器学习算法对经典机器学习算法理论上能够产生指数级的加速优势. 部分经典算法的量子版本已经被提出,有望解决使用经典计算机难以解决的问题. 当前受量子计算硬件所限,可操控的量子比特数目和噪声等因素制约着量子计算机的发展. 短期内量子计算硬件难以达到通用量子计算机需要的程度,当前研究重点是能够在中等规模含噪声量子(noisy intermediate-scale quantum,NISQ)计算设备上运行的算法. 变分量子算法是一种混合量子-经典算法,适合应用于当前量子计算设备,是量子机器学习领域的研究热点之一. 变分量子电路是一种参数化量子电路,变分量子算法利用其完成量子机器学习任务. 变分量子电路也被称为拟设或量子神经网络. 变分量子算法框架主要由5个步骤组成:1)根据任务设计损失函数和量子电路结构;2)将经典数据预处理后编码到量子态上,量子数据可以省略编码;3)计算损失函数;4)测量和后处理;5)经优化器优化参数. 在此背景下,综述了量子计算基础理论与变分量子算法的基础框架,详细介绍了变分量子算法在量子机器学习领域的应用及进展,分别对量子有监督学习、量子无监督学习、量子半监督学习、量子强化学习以及量子电路结构搜索相关模型进行了介绍与对比,对相关数据集及相关模拟平台进行了简要介绍和汇总,最后提出了基于变分量子电路量子机器学习算法所面临的挑战及今后的研究趋势.


      Abstract: As the scale of available data increases, the importance and impact of machine learning grows. It has been found that quantum computing can be realized with the help of the principles of quantum mechanics, and the quantum machine learning algorithm formed by combining quantum computing and machine learning can theoretically produce exponential acceleration advantages over classical machine learning algorithms. Quantum versions of many classical algorithms have been proposed which may solve problems that are difficult to solve on classical computers. At present, limited by the quantum computing hardware, the number of controllable qubits, noise, and other factors restrict the development of quantum computers. Quantum computing hardware is unlikely to reach the level needed for universal quantum computers in the short term, and current research focuses on algorithms that can run on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers. Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) are hybrid quantum classical algorithms which are suitable for current quantum computing devices. Related research is one of the research hotspots in the field of quantum machine learning. Variational quantum circuits (VQCs) are parameterized quantum circuits (PQCs) used in variational quantum algorithms to solve quantum machine learning tasks. It is also be called Ansatz and quantum neural networks (QNNs). The framework of variational quantum algorithm mainly contains five steps: 1) Design the loss function according to the task. Design parameterized quantum circuits as model and initialize parameters. 2) Embed classical data. The classical data is pre-processed and encoded to the quantum state. If quantum data is used as input, it only needs to be pre-processed without encoding. 3) Calculate the loss function through parameterized quantum circuit. This step is where quantum advantage comes in. 4)Measure and post-process. Through quantum measurement operation, the quantum superposition state wave packet collapses into classical state. The classical data can be obtained after post-processing. 5) Optimize the parameters. Update parameters and optimize the model with classical optimization algorithms then return to step 3 until the loss function converges after several iterations. We can obtain a set of optimal parameters. The final result is the output of the optimal model. This paper reviews the basic theory of quantum computing and the basic framework of variational quantum algorithm. We further introduce the application and progress of variational quantum algorithm in the field of quantum machine learning. We review supervised quantum machine learning including quantum classifiers,unsupervised quantum machine learning including quantum circuit born machine,variational quantum boltzmann machine and quantum autoencoder, semi-supervised quantum learning including quantum generative adversarial network,quantum reinforcement learning, and quantum circuit architecture search in detail. We compare the models and analyse their advantages and disadvantages. We briefly discuss and summarize the related datasets and simulation platforms that can reproduce the introduced models. Finally, we put forward the challenges and future research trends of quantum machine learning algorithms based on variational quantum circuit.


