

    CRS: Multi-Tier Computing Resource System for Computing and Network Convergence

    • 摘要: 算力网络旨在将泛在算力与网络进行深度融合,以期通过网络将计算、存储等多维基础资源在云、边、端之间进行有效调配,让用户可以像使用水电资源一样透明的使用算力资源,按需索取,随取随用. 然而对于云边端异构的计算资源、动态的网络负载和多样化的用户需求,如何有效的进行资源的调度和路由成为了算力网络面临的核心挑战之一. 为解决上述挑战,设计了一套多层次的计算资源系统(computing resource system,CRS). 不同于现有的资源调配,CRS是一套建立在应用层之上并且兼顾考虑算网感知和算力路由的完整的算力网络技术方案. 计算资源系统由算网资源感知策略和算力资源路由协议组成. 算网资源感知策略定义了辖区系统内部的域内感知规则和不同辖区之间的域间感知规则,并基于此提出了一种基于贪心的资源路由算法(greedy-based resource routing algorithm,GBRA),为每个任务动态生成感知搜索树. 算力资源路由协议通过CRS请求报文、授权通告报文、通告确认报文和CRS响应报文来完成资源的申请与调配工作. 通过大量的数据仿真实验证明,与其他算法相比,CRS可以在任务容忍的最大响应时延内,完成对更多任务的资源分配工作. 此外,对于辖区系统内部计算节点之间可以实现较优的负载均衡.


      Abstract: The purpose of computing first network is to deeply integrate the ubiquitous computation with network, in order to effectively allocate multi-dimensional basic resources such as computation and storage between clouds, edges and ends through the network, allowing users to use them as transparently as water and electricity resources. Computing resources can be requested on demand and used at any time. Due to heterogeneous computing resources, dynamic network and diverse user needs, it has become one of the core challenging problems to effectively schedule and route resources in computing first network. To address this problem, we design a Multi-tier computing resource system(CRS). Different from the existing resource allocation, CRS is a complete computing first network technology solution based on the application layer, considering the computing resources awareness and computational routing. The computing resource system is composed of computing resource awareness strategy and computing resource routing protocol. The computing resource awareness strategy defines the intra-domain awareness rules within the jurisdiction and the inter-domain awareness rules between different jurisdictions. Based on this, we proposed a Greedy-Based Resource Routing Algorithm (GBRA), which can dynamically generate a search tree for each task. The computing resource routing protocol completes the allocation of resources through CRS request message, authorization notification message, notification confirmation message and CRS response message. Through extensive simulation experiments, compared with other algorithms, it is demonstrated that CRS can complete the resource allocation of more tasks within the maximum response latency tolerated. In addition, better load balancing can be achieved among the computing nodes within the jurisdiction.


