

    Acquisition and Judgement of Implicit Hitting Sets for Model-Based Diagnosis

    • 摘要: 基于模型诊断主要是根据系统的行为进行建模,一旦观察到异常行为就在系统模型上运行一个诊断算法来返回可能的解释. 现有的诊断算法是每求出一个冲突集就计算一次极小碰集,然后再检验该极小碰集是否满足系统观测. 这样虽然能够减少冗余解集的生成,但是计算冲突集的极小碰集难度随冲突集数量的增加呈指数级增长,而计算部分冲突集的极小碰集不一定是诊断,当检验极小碰集是否满足系统观测也是十分耗时的. 针对以上问题,设计了一个筛选函数,在保证所得的碰集尽可能是诊断的情况下,分别从诊断的势和数量上来删除低质量的冲突集. 除此之外,为了能够快速检验碰集是否是诊断,还根据电路的逻辑关系提出了一种高效的判定算法. 在实验部分,详细分析了在设置不同数量的故障条件下运行时间和求解诊断个数的比较,与目前最先进的算法相比,效率最高提升2~40倍,诊断数量多获得5~200倍.


      Abstract: Model-based diagnosis mainly models the behavior of the system, and once the abnormal behavior is observed, a diagnosis algorithm is run on the system model to return a possible explanation. The existing diagnosis algorithm computes a minimal hitting set (MHS) each time a conflict set is identified, and then verifies whether this MHS satisfies the system observations. While this approach reduces the generation of redundant solution sets, the difficulty of computing the MHSs of conflict sets increases exponentially with the number of conflict sets. Since computing the MHS of a partial conflict set is not necessarily a diagnosis, it is also time-consuming to check whether the MHS satisfies the system observations. We have designed a filtering function to remove low-quality conflict sets based on the diagnosis cardinality and quantity, while ensuring that the obtained hitting sets are as diagnosis as possible. In addition, to facilitate the rapid verification of hitting sets for diagnosis, we have proposed an efficient decision algorithm based on the logical relationships of the circuit. In the experimental section, we conducted a detailed analysis comparing the runtime and diagnosis yield under varying numbers of fault conditions. Compared to state-of-the-art algorithms, our approach showed efficiency improvements of up to 2-40 times in runtime and diagnosis yield enhancements ranging from 5-200 times.


