

    Cross-Domain Data Trading System Based on Decentralized Identity

    • 摘要: 在数字化时代,数据作为重要的生产要素,对经济增长、科技创新和企业竞争力提升至关重要. 传统的中心化的数据交易系统存在一系列数据安全、交易安全风险. 虽然当前已经出现了基于区块链实现的去中心化数据交易系统,可以为数据交易提供安全保障,但基于区块链的数据交易系统仍难以处理跨地区、跨地域、跨国家的数据交易,其主要面临3个挑战:1)跨域身份解析结果的一致性问题;2)跨域身份解析服务的可用性问题;3)面向跨域交易的数据交易系统的安全与合规问题. 为解决上述3个问题,基于去中心化身份技术设计了一套安全高效的身份跨域解析机制,并构建了一种安全、可监管的去中心化数据交易系统. 身份跨域解析机制包括确保解析结果一致性的身份跨域协议和保障该协议执行服务可用性的激励机制. 该去中心化数据交易系统支持基于身份属性的细粒度监管,并保证跨域数据交易的原子性. 实验验证表明,该系统满足设计目标,解析延迟仅为跨域解析延迟的45%,缓存命中率通过主动和被动更新机制提高72%. 系统兼容多种区块链,跨域数据交易平均在2.3个区块内完成,效率在可接受范围内.


      Abstract: In the digital era, data, as a critical factor of production, is essential for economic growth, technological innovation, and enhancing corporate competitiveness. Traditional centralized data trading systems pose a series of data and transaction security risks. Although decentralized data trading systems based on blockchain technology have emerged, which can guarantee security for data transactions through blockchain and smart contracts, systems based on blockchain still struggle with cross-regional, cross-domain, and international data transactions. They primarily face the following three challenges: 1) Consistency of cross-domain identity resolution results. 2) Availability of cross-domain identity resolution services. 3) Security and compliance issues for cross-domain data trading systems. To address these issues, we design a secure and efficient cross-domain identity resolution mechanism based on decentralized identity technology and construct a secure, regulated decentralized data trading system based on this mechanism. The identity resolution mechanism includes a set of cross-domain protocols that ensure the consistency of resolution results and an incentive mechanism that ensures the availability of services executing these protocols. The decentralized data trading system supports granular regulation based on identity attributes and ensures the atomicity of cross-domain data transactions. Experimental verification shows that this system meets the design targets. By batch constructing cross-domain resolution requests, the identity cross-domain resolution protocol and caching mechanism can ensure the correctness of the resolution results, with the resolution latency being only 45% of the cross-domain resolution latency. Additionally, the cache can increase the hit rate by 72% through active and passive update mechanisms. The system is also compatible with multiple blockchain systems, and cross-domain data transactions can be completed within an average of 2.3 blocks, making the system efficiency within an acceptable range.


