

    Real-Time and Reliable Greedy Geographical Routing for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

    • 摘要: 随着定位装置和定位算法的成熟,基于地理位置信息的贪婪地理路由协议受到广泛的关注与研究.但是,在移动无线传感器网络贪婪地理路由协议中,周期性信标交换条件下采用贪婪转发策略会引起通信暂盲现象,造成数据的丢失.基于右手法则的面遍历算法,对路由空洞的形状不能进行感知,数据转发具有很大的盲目性,转发路径有时比最优路径长很多,造成数据传输时延的增加.针对上述问题提出一种实时可靠的QoS贪婪地理路由协议,该协议通过自适应信标交换算法、基于过渡带思想的贪婪转发策略和基于路标迭代提取和剔除的自适应空洞处理算法,使得数据分组能够实时可靠地传输.NS-2仿真结果表明该协议在不增加控制开销的情况下,能够有效减缓通信暂盲现象,高效地处理路由空洞问题,大大提高协议的实时性和可靠性,可应用于对实时性和可靠性有一定要求的大规模移动无线传感网络.


      Abstract: With the growing popularity of positioning devices and other localization schemes, greedy geographical routing protocols have received extensive attention due to their substantial advantages compared to topology based routing protocols. But, lots of data packets are dropped for the phenomenon of temporary communication blindness resulted from fixed period beacon exchange in greedy geographical routing protocols in mobile sensor networks. Based on the right hand rule, the face routing that doesn’t cognized the character of void and transfers the data along the long route path sometimes, thus, the delay of data packets is prolonged. In the paper, a new real-time and reliable greedy geographical routing protocol is proposed. It adopts a new adaptive beacon exchange algorithm and buffer zone based forwarding strategy to eliminate the phenomenon of temporary communication blindness, and adopts a route signs based adaptive void-handle algorithm to mitigating inefficiency in recent greedy geographical routing. Simulation results show that the protocol can acquire high packet success delivery ratio and lower delivery delay for significantly eliminating the phenomenon of temporary communication blindness and by pass the routing void efficiently, especially introducing no more overhead. So the protocol is scalable and applicable to large-scale mobile wireless sensor networks that require high real-time and reliability performance.


