

    An Agent-Based Requirements Monitoring Framework for Internetware

    • 摘要: 网构软件所面临的复杂、开放和动态变化的运行环境使其运行时行为常常会偏离需求规约.已有一些研究工作提出基于目标模型和需求推理实现软件需求的运行时监控和自修复,但还缺少实现框架,特别是缺少符合网构软件分布式和社会化特性的需求监控实现方法.针对这一问题,提出一种基于Agent的网构软件需求监控框架.框架中的需求监控Agent通过非侵入的方式实现对作为其宿主系统的网构软件实体的监控和干预,并通过Agent间的通信和协作实现社会化的目标委托和协作监控.为了验证框架的有效性,通过一个案例分析,对框架和工具实现进行了有效性评估.


      Abstract: Running in a complicated, open and highly-dynamic environment, Internetware systems are likely to deviate from their requirements specification. In recent years, there have been a series of researches on runtime requirements monitoring and self-repairing based on goal-oriented requirements models and goal reasoning. However, a practical implementation framework for requirements monitoring and repairing, which supports typical Internetware characteristics like distribution and sociality, is still missing. In this paper, we propose an agent-based requirements monitoring framework for Internetware. The monitoring agents in the framework are able to monitor host systems on internal goal satisfaction and cross-agent goal delegation at runtime, and perform actuate repairing actions based on customized policies when requirements deviations are detected in a non-intrusive manner. The framework organizes monitoring agents in a decentralized way and supports cross-system goal delegation, requirements monitoring and self-repairing with inter-agent communication and interaction. To evaluate the effectiveness of our framework, we’ve conducted a case study with an online product booking system. The results show that the framework can effectively alleviate potential system failures in various self-reparing scenarios.


