

    A Two-Step Utility Query Recommendation Method Based on Absorbing Random Walk

    • 摘要: 搜索引擎已经成为人们获取信息的重要途径,然而对于用户而言如何构造一个合适的查询仍然是一项困难的工作.为了减轻用户搜索信息的负担,查询推荐技术应运而生并且已经成为当今搜索引擎不可或缺的组成部分.传统的查询推荐方法主要关注向用户推荐相关性查询,即推荐与源查询具有相近搜索意图的其他查询.然而查询推荐的根本目标是帮助用户成功完成其搜索任务,而不仅仅是找到相关性查询,尽管相关性查询有时也能得到有用的搜索结果.为了更好地满足用户的搜索目标,一种更直接的查询推荐方式是向用户推荐高效用性查询,即能够更好满足用户信息需求的查询.提出了一个基于吸收态随机行走的2阶段效用性查询推荐方法,该方法能够同时对用户的查询重构行为和查询点击行为进行建模并推导出查询的效用.在真实查询日志上的实验结果表明:新方法在评价指标查询相关率(query relevant ratio, QRR)和平均相关文档数(mean relevant document, MRD)上要显著优于其他5种基准方法.


      Abstract: Search engine has become an essential way for satisfying users’ daily information needs, however, formulating a proper query for search is difficult for users. To alleviate users’ search burden, query recommendation has been proposed and considered as a prominent ingredient of modern search engines. Traditional recommendation approaches have paid great attention to recommend relevant queries, which attempt to find alternative queries with close search intent to the original query. However, the ultimate goal of query recommendation is to assist users to accomplish their search task successfully, while not just find relevant queries in spite of they can sometimes produce useful search results. To better match user search objective in the real world, a more straight way of query recommendation is to recommend users high utility query, i.e., queries that can better satisfy users’ information needs. In this paper, we propose a two-step utility query recommendation method based on absorbing random walk, which can infer query’s utility by simultaneously modeling both users’ reformulation behaviors and click behaviors. Extensively experiments are conducted on a real query log, and the results show that this method significantly outperforms five baseline methods under the evaluation metric query relevant ratio (QRR) and mean relevant document (MRD).


