

    Secure Multi-Party Computation of Set-Inclusion and Graph-Inclusion

    • 摘要: 多方保密计算是近几年国际密码学界研究的一个热点问题.研究了保密的集合包含与几何包含问题,提出集合包含问题的多方保密计算方案,在此基础上结合Monte Carlo方法与Cantor编码方法,提出了任意几何图形包含问题的近似多方保密计算方案.并利用模拟范例证明了方案的安全性.同已有的方案相比,提出的方案适用范围广、通信复杂性低;在解决已有方案可解决的同样问题时,某些情况下计算复杂性也比较低.


      Abstract: Secure multi-party computation is a research focus in international cryptographic community. This paper focuses on the secure multi-party computation of set-inclusion and graph-inclusion problems and a secure multi-party computation solution to set-inclusion problem is proposed. Based on this solution and combined with Monte Carlo approach and Cantor encoding, an approximate secure multi-party computation solution to graph-inclusion problem is further proposed. It is proved by simulation paradigm that these solutions are secure. Comparing with known solutions, these solutions can solve more complicated problems and have, with lower communication complexity, more applicability. For some problems that can be solved with known solutions, the new solutions have less computational complexity.


