

    A New Network Troubleshooting Method—FTFD

    • 摘要: 通过对网络状态和故障指标进行形式化分析,提出一种基于模糊事件的故障检测方法(FTFD),该方法通过建立状态检测函数,能将比较复杂、模糊性强的网络故障问题用精确的数学转换方法来解决,从而获得比较精确的结果.应用FTFD诊断网络故障不仅能有效降低漏报率和误报率,而且使实时故障诊断成为可能.原型系统证实了该方法的可行性,获得了在实时环境中网络故障诊断的技术效果.


      Abstract: Through formalized analysis of the situation of network and the target of fault diagnosis, a new method—FTFD for network troubleshooting based on fuzzy event is proposed. By introducing situation-detection function, FTFD can characterize complicated fuzzy fault with accurate mathematics conversion, and "abnormal degree" can be defined by the vector of probability with belief functions. The method can effectively reduce false positives and negative positives. It aims to be applied to real-time fault diagnosis. The operational prototypical system demonstrates its feasibility and gets the effectiveness of real-time fault diagnosis.


