

    A Simplified Method for Generating Test Path Cases in Branch Testing

    • 摘要: 结构性测试是对过程式和面向对象程序都非常有效的测试方法,分支覆盖准则被实践证明是其中性价比最高的一种策略.通过深入研究DD图的性质并分析FTPS算法的不足,提出了一种简便、快捷和适合于大规模程序的非约束边集近似求解算法Find_SemiUE;还给出了基于正(逆)向广度(深度)生成树的分支测试路径用例集的简化生成算法Generate_PathSet,该算法在时间和空间开销上较FTPS算法均有较大提高.此外,所证明的关于DD图的结论也值得借鉴用于该图的更深一步研究.


      Abstract: Structural testing is an effective way to test either procedural programs or object-oriented programs, and the branch coverage criterion has been proved to be the best cost-effective one of its all criteria. Through deeply investigating the properties of DD-graph and analyzing the shortcomings of the algorithm FTPS, an approximate algorithm (called Find_SemiUE) for solving the set of unconstrained arcs is presented, which is simple, quick and very suitable for the large-scale programs. Based on the forward (backward) breadth (depth) spanning trees, a simplified algorithm (called Generate_PathSet) for generating path cases which are executed in branch testing, is also proposed. This algorithm gains a dramatic improvement not only in time complexity but also in space complexity. Furthermore, the obtained conclusions are helpful for further research about DD-graph.


