

    A Negotiation-Based Approach for Software Process Collaboration

    • 摘要: 大型软件系统的开发大多要求多人协同完成.软件过程协同的一个重要特点是协同的参与者都试图通过实施协同任务来取得最大化的获利,因而协同的决策和实施不是强制性的,而是由软件开发人员或软件组织经过协商来进行的.传统的软件过程建模方法中对软件过程协同的描述是刚性的,即在满足进入条件或者被显式调用时,协同就一定会被触发,并按照一个规定好的规则或方针来实施,这样的方法难以适应软件过程协同中所表现的协商特性.提出了一个基于协商的软件过程协同方法,将软件过程描述为一组相对独立的、自治的、理性的、协作的软件过程Agent,过程Agent之间的协同关系由过程Agent通过协商确定,相比传统的方法,具有能够更好地适应软件过程协同的特点.


      Abstract: Large-scale software development typically requires participation of multiple people. One motivation of the participants to collaborate with others is to maximize the profit they may gain from the software development. Therefore, the collaborative relations between the participants should be established through negotiation in order to ensure that all the participants can gain profit. Traditional software process modeling approaches model software collaboration as a set of rules or transactions. When entry criteria are satisfied or operations are explicitly invoked, the collaborations will take place necessarily and are performed in a predefined manner. Negotiation issues are mostly overlooked by these approaches. A negotiation-based approach for software process collaboration is proposed, In this approach, software process is modeled as a group of independent, autonomous, rational, and collaborative process agents. The collaborative relations between the process agents are established through negotiation.Using this approach, software organizations can carry out software development more efficiently and effectively.


