

    A Medium Vocabulary Visual Recognition System for Chinese Sign Language

    • 摘要: 手语识别的研究和实现具有重要的学术价值和广泛的应用前景.提出了基于混合元捆绑的隐马尔可夫模型(TMHMM)用于视觉手语识别.TMHMM的模型刻画精度接近于连续隐马尔可夫模型,因此能保证最终的识别率不会明显降低,同时通过混合元捆绑降低计算成本,有效地提高识别速度.在特征提取方面,提出的层次型特征描述方案更加适合于中等或更大词汇量的手语识别.在此基础上,通过集成鲁棒的双手检测、背景去除和瞳孔检测等技术,实现了一个面向中等词汇量的中国手语视觉识别系统.实验结果表明,提出的方法能较好地实现常规背景中的中等词汇量的手语识别.


      Abstract: As one of the most important parts of human-computer interaction, the research and implementation of sign language recognition (SLR) has significant academic value as well as broad application prospect. In this paper, a framework of tied-mixture hidden Markov models (TMHMM) is proposed for vision-based SLR. TMHMM can efficiently speed up the vision-based SLR without significant loss of recognition accuracy compared with the continuous hidden Markov models (CHMM) due to its excellent properties, i.e., the modeling resolution of TMHMM approximates that of CHMM and the computation cost of TMHMM is greatly reduced by tying similar Gaussian mixture components. For the sign feature extraction, an effective hierarchical feature characterization scheme is proposed, which is more suitable to realize medium or larger vocabulary SLR, through employing principal component analysis to characterize the finger area distribution feature more elaborately. Further, by integrating the techniques of robust hands detection, background subtraction and pupils detection to extract the feature information precisely with the aid of simple colored gloves against the unconstrained background, a medium vocabulary vision-based recognition system for Chinese sign language (CSL) is implemented. Experimental results show that the proposed methods can work well for the medium vocabulary CSL recognition in the environment without special constraints.


