

    Design of Mongolian Operating System Within the Framework of Internationalization

    • 摘要: 蒙文操作系统实现较为复杂的原因在于两个方面:①传统蒙文采用自顶向下竖写、每列从左向右排列的书写方式;②蒙文字符在不同文本上下文中采用变化相当复杂的显现字形.基于操作系统国际化体系结构,从蒙文字符集、蒙文字符的变形显现、蒙文文本的垂直显示、蒙文独特的图形用户界面等多个方面阐述了传统蒙文操作系统实现中面临的难点和技术方案;简要介绍了基于Qt/KDE桌面系统的实现;最后提出了蒙文操作系统实现仍需要解决的问题.


      Abstract: To implement traditional Mongolian operating system is more difficult and more costly. It lies in two issues: (1) Mongolian characters always transform their shapes within different context of text; (2) Mongolian text is written from top to bottom and all columns are arranged from left to right. The first issue involves many characteristics of this script, which make the display of Mongolian textrather complex. The second issue results in special requirements for human-computer interaction, which are not supported by operating systems currently. First, some characteristics of Mongolian script are analyzed. Second, technical details to design a traditional Mongolian operating system are discussed, which include character set and its encoding scheme, transformation of traditional Mongolian characters, text display in a vertical style and graphical user interface special to Mongolian users. Some challenges are discussed and related solutions are presented. Third, an implementation example of operating system to support traditional Mongolian based on Qt/KDE is described in brief. Finally, some work to be done is proposed.


