As the emerging data intensive applications have received more and more attentions from researchers, its a severe challenge for duplication elimination for large volume data in a shared-nothing environment. The authors propose an effective and adaptive data placement method which is a combination of hash partition and histogram, as well as a design of an asynchronous parallel query engine (APQE) for duplication elimination. Hash partition divides data into non-relevant subsets in order to reduce data migration in duplication elimination, while histogram method keeps balance in data size in different nodes. Furthermore, adaptive approach can make data size rebalanced while data skew occurs. The parallel query engine develops maximum degree of pipeline parallelism for large scale data processing by employing coarse-grained pipelining, and the asynchronous method makes further efforts to eliminate synchronous overhead of multiple nodes parallelism. APQE launches data merging when some of database nodes returns intermediate result, and at the same time returns part of the final result as early as the slowest node returns relevant data, and then frees the memory space. Experimental results tested in a productive large scale system DBroker demonstrate that the combined data placement strategy and adaptive method work well for relative attributes duplication elimination, and the asynchronous parallel query engine can make a great performance improvement for duplication elimination of large volume of data in a cluster environment.