

    Guarder: Virtual Drilling System for Crowd Evacuation Under Emergency Scheme

    • 摘要: 人群疏散的虚拟现实模拟就是利用虚拟现实技术,在计算机生成空间中建立公共设施和人群的三维模型,设定各种可能发生的安全危机和相应的疏散预案,模拟并三维地展示人群疏散场景;通过对模拟结果进行统计分析,可以验证人群疏散应急预案的合理性和有效性.介绍了人群疏散模拟虚拟现实系统Guarder设计的核心思想,提出了技术框架,详细阐述了其中的复杂环境语义表示、群体运动仿真等关键技术,并给出了应用实例,最后列举了几个前沿研究问题.


      Abstract: Large-scale public places and essential public facilities are areas with highly concentrated population. In order to safely evacuate peoples in emergency situations, it is necessary to make emergency schemes for such areas in advance. However, making emergency scheme for such places and facilities is very difficult due to their high complexity in architecture and high density population. Virtual drilling of crowd evacuation under emergency scheme is a new technology to hit these problems. By using virtual reality technique, 3D virtual crowds and public facilities are generated in computer generated space and the process of evacuation is simulated under the given assumption of security crises and emergency scheme. The authors could also 3D-display the scenes of evacuation and statistically analyze the results, which are very useful for verifying the rationality and validity of the given emergency scheme. This paper introduces a system named Guarder, which is a virtual drilling system for crowd evacuation under emergency scheme. The core idea and technical framework of the system are introduced in details. Key technologies including semantic description for complex environment, crowd simulation and so on are deeply introduced. After that, several experiments and applications of the system Guarder are demonstrated to show the success of the technique design in Guarder. Moreover, some hot research topics are presented.


