Research and Development of High Performance YHFT Digital Signal Processor
摘要: YHFT-DSP/700是2004年研制成功的“银河飞腾”系列超长指令字结构高性能浮点DSP,其主频达238MHz,峰值性能为每秒14亿次浮点运算和19亿条指令.介绍了YHFT-DSP/700的体系结构、设计方法和编译器等关键技术;介绍了同时多线程YHFT-DSP/SMT的体系结构,它可以将DSP的性能提高40%;分析了国际主流高性能DSP的体系结构和发展趋势.Abstract: YHFT-DSP/700 is a high performance floating-point VLIW DSP developed in 2004. Its frequency is 238MHz and its peak performance is 1,428MFLOPS and 1,904MIPS. The architecture, design methodology and compiler techniques of YHFT-DSP/700 are presented. The latest simultaneous multi-threading DSP architecture called YHFT-DSP/SMT is proposed, which improves the system throughput by 40%. The architecture and development trends of the mainstream high performance DSPs are analyzed as well.