

    EDCP—A Duplication Checking Process Used in Duplication Based Resource Allocation Policies

    • 摘要: 在异构系统中最优化资源分配策略的代价函数是提高分布式系统自治并发处理性能的一个重要途径.基于复制的资源分配策略作为主流策略虽然在异构系统中可以对数据驱动的任务流资源分配上取得很好的效果,但由于大部分的基于复制的资源分配算法都忽略了任务复制本身耗费与其复制所取得的效益之间的平衡比较,因此产生了大量的无效复制,最终影响系统整体性能的提高.针对这种情况,提出了EDCP,可通用于异构系统中基于任务复制的资源分配策略的有效性复制检查过程. EDCP通过对复制的有效性检测,只复制能对系统性能有所提高的任务,减少了通信开销,并且在保证了系统整体效益的前提下最优化了代价函数.


      Abstract: Optimizing the cost function of the resource allocation policy in heterogeneous systems is an important way to improve the systems' concurrency processing capability. Duplication based resource allocation policy has been proven to be effective in dealing with the data driving workloads. However, most of these policies overlook the trade offs between duplication cost and the incomes brought by it. The lack of an effective mechanism to balance these two aspects eventually hampers the performance improving of the whole system. EDCP, an effective duplication checking process is a checking process which can be generally used in any duplication based resource allocation policies under heterogeneous environment. EDCP can optimize the cost function by preventing the useless duplications without breaking the systems' whole benefit.


