

    A Security Protocols' Analytic Approach of Reconciling Two Views

    • 摘要: 在安全协议的形式化分析中,有两种完全不同的观点:符号方法和计算方法,两者各有优缺点.通过对两种观点的研究,按照优势互补的原则将两者相调和,建立了一种新的形式化分析方法.该方法将协议的安全性分为完全性和正确性,通过分析这两种性质,不仅能考察协议在逻辑上能否达到预期目标,而且能考察敌手在计算上的攻击能力.第一次从逻辑可靠性和计算可靠性两方面对协议进行了综合的安全性分析.


      Abstract: The symbol approach and the computational approach are two different approaches in security protocols' formal analysis, but the former is quite alien to the latter. The former regards protocols as a set of symbols and believes that cryptography has a secure property of “all-or-nothing”; the latter regards protocols as a set of strings, and considers that cryptography is not strong enough to resist adversary's attack. Because each approach has flaws and virtues, an idea is brought forward that is engaged in drawing virtues from both approaches and discarding their flaws to build a mature approach to analyze security protocols. A new analytic approach reconciling the two approaches is constructed following this idea. The new approach defines the security as the completeness and the correctness, through analyzing them. It not only can examine whether protocols could reach the expectant goals, but also can compute adversary's aggressive ability to protocols. The approach is the first one which puts forward the idea that analyzes security protocols from logistic reliability and cryptographic reliability.


