

    Research on Chinese Linux Input Method Engine Standard

    • 摘要: Linux系统的输入法存在多种框架和实现,以往的标准化努力没有给出令人满意的结果,输入法引擎(IME)接口标准化采用了新的路线,有助于开发可适用于不同框架的IME.在总结归纳现有输入法框架基础上,分析了对IME接口进行标准化的基本原理,详细说明了IME接口标准的重要特性和设计原则;相关的实体被划分到4个部分,使用时序图对不同部分的交互进行了细致的分析.标准的可行性需要IME示例实现进行证明,针对覆盖标准不同方面的3个示例实现给出了简要说明,其设计和实践可供开发符合标准的IME时参考.最后,对该标准的应用前景和进一步研究方向做出了展望.


      Abstract: There are several input method frameworks along with corresponding implementations coexisting on Linux. The situation indicates inadequateness of existing standardizing effort focusing on input method protocol. However, IME (input method engine) interface standard developed by China Linux Standards Group introduces a brand new way to standardize input method, and makes it possible to develop an adaptive IME working on different frameworks. Based on the survey and synthesis of the existing input method frameworks on Linux, rationale and benefit of IME interface standardization are analyzed. Features and design principles of the standard are expounded. Entities related to input method are partitioned into four portions. Runtime mechanisms of each portion as well as interactions between different portions are analyzed in detail by means of event flow chart. Feasibility of the standard is demonstrated by sample IME implementations. Three sample implementations that cover different aspects of IME interface standard are briefly summarized. The design and developing practice can be referenced in developing compliant IME. Finally, the prospect of promising applications and future working directions are proposed.


