

    Analytical Expressions of Properties of MANETs Uniformly Distributed in Rectangular Area

    • 摘要: 从数学的角度研究无线自组网若干基本特性的解析描述对无线自组网技术的研究工作具有重要意义.基于组合学理论和极限思想,研究了矩形区域内节点均匀分布的无线自组网中节点间距离的分布情况,得出了节点间距离的分布函数的闭合解析公式,并以该解析公式为基础推导出了无线自组网若干基本性质的解析描述公式,最后通过仿真验证了数学分析结果的正确性.


      Abstract: Research on analytical expressions of properties of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is of great importance to research works on MANETs. Based on combinatorial theory and asymptotic technique, the distribution of the Euclidean distances between node pairs in MANETs with nodes uniformly distributed in rectangular scenario is analyzed. A closed mathematical formula is obtained. Then, analytical expressions of some properties of uniform MANETs in rectangular scenario are obtained. Results obtained in the paper are verified through simulations.


