

    An Open Wireless Sensor Network Platform—OpenWSN

    • 摘要: 目前以Mica和TinyOS为代表的无线传感器网络研究平台具有几个突出的缺点:计算能力偏弱,不能充分利用现有产业界的遗留代码资源,硬件相关性太强不利于向其他平台移植.因此,针对上述弱点,提出了一种基于ARM7的开放传感器网络平台方案OpenWSN并实现之.该平台在硬件设计上采用总线架构增强可扩展性,在软件设计上采取层次化、对象化设计实现组件化和服务化的目标,并可方便地与现有代码资源实现集成,保护已有投资. OpenWSN硬件节点最高为60MHz的运行频率、32位处理器架构和DMA机制使得其性能更高,可更快地完成处理任务并有更多时间用于休眠以降低功耗.


      Abstract: Most of the current WSN research platforms are based on Mica nodes and TinyOS. However, they're difficult to integrate with the existing mature source codes and difficult to port to other platforms. These micro-controller based solutions are also quite weak to fulfill high performance tasks such as image processing and PAN coordination. Furthermore, the new invented nesC language also holdback its acceptance among industry application developers. Considering the above shortcomings, an ARM7 based powerful WSN research platform, named OpenWSN, is designed and implemented. OpenWSN adopts bus architecture to connect different modules in hardware design and uses layered OOD/OOP in software design. The component-based and service-based architecture makes it easy to integrate with current mature resources. The node has 32KB SRAM and up to 512KB flash memory. It can run between 11-60MHz and using DMA to move data inside memory. These features enable OpenWSN run much faster than general Mica or Telos nodes. The power consumption is a bit higher than Mica's Atmega128L solution because ARM7 processor consumes more energy than Atmega128L micro processor. However, due to its high performance, OpenWSN node can finish more tasks and spend more time in sleep status. This in turn decreases the power consumption. The experiment verifies the solution and confirms OpenWSN's effectiveness in high performance applications such as vibration measurements.


