

    A Parametric Active Contour Model for Medical Image Segmentation Using Priori Shape Force Field

    • 摘要: 先验形状参数活动轮廓模型是一种抗噪声干扰稳定的图像分割方法.它具有对弱边缘、凹区域进行分割的能力,同时有较大的边缘捕捉范围.通过引入一种非距离性的先验形状力场,构建一种新的能反映先验形状的参数活动轮廓模型.新的先验形状活动轮廓模型避免了曲线之间距离的计算,减少了模型的复杂性.新的方法可以较好地解决传统型参数活动轮廓模型的一些本质缺陷.实验对带噪声且为弱边缘的医学CT图像和超声图像进行分割能得到理想的边缘轮廓.


      Abstract: A priori shape parametric active contour model has been widely used in image segmentation because of their computational efficiency and stability. The model can deal with properly the concave regions in the image and provide an accurate segmentation to weak edges and noise images. An initial contour must not be set near the feature of the image and can provide a large capture range. Priori shape force field incorporates into an active contour model. The novel model can avoid computing the distance of priori shape contour to active contour, and can decrease the complexity. The model solves efficiently some drawbacks of a parametric active contour model. Experiments demonstrate that the model curve is driven to the object boundary by the new forces even if the initial contour does not close the true boundary and the object is nonconvex or has weak edges and noise on medical CT and ultrasound images.


