

    Library Function Disposing Approach in Binary Translation

    • 摘要: 在二进制翻译技术中,快速有效地处理系统库函数调用是一个值得研究的课题.基于动静结合二进制翻译技术,提出一种对系统库函数进行分类处理的算法,能够很好地利用动静结合二进制翻译的技术特点和目标机本地的函数调用约定,减少不必要的内存操作,提高源二进制代码在目标机上的执行效率.该算法能够在系统库函数和系统调用之间灵活地切换,并且对于系统库函数有较强的适用性.经过大量的测试验证,在应用该算法后,Digital Bridge Version 2系统不仅能够正确有效地处理系统库函数调用,并且性能有了很大的改善.


      Abstract: Disposing the library functions call fast and efficiently is an important performance issue in the binary translation technology. One algorithm named JLSCL (jacket library and shortcut library) is presented to dispose the library functions classified, which is based on the dynamic binary translator integrated with static pre-translator. JLSCL can make use of the merit of dynamic translation and static translation, and make use of the convention of the function call on the target processor to reduce the redundant memory access. These make it more efficient that the original binary code runs on the target processor. The algorithm can flexibly switch between the library function and system call, and have applicability for the library function. The algorithm is verified in the binary translator system—digital bridge version 2. It can dispose the library function call successfully and efficiently, and its performance has been improved greatly.


