

    Dynamic Binary Translation and Optimization

    • 摘要: 动态二进制翻译技术是一种即时编译技术,它将针对源体系结构编译生成的二进制代码(源机器码)动态翻译为可以在目的体系结构上运行的代码(翻译码).动态优化技术是指在运行时获取动态信息并进行代码优化的技术.动态二进制翻译及优化系统使得源软件无需重编译就可以直接在目标体系结构上高效地运行.目前几种比较有影响的动态二进制翻译及优化系统有Intel公司的IA-32 Execution Layer,IBM公司的DAISY,Transmeta的CMS及HP的Dynamo等.这些系统对动态二进制翻译系统关键技术有不同的实现.对动态二进制翻译和优化技术的研究是计算机领域的研究热点,具有深远的现实意义和应用前景.


      Abstract: Dynamic binary translator is a just-in-time compiler, which translates the instructions of source architecture to the instructions of target architecture when an application is running. The technology enables the application compiled for source architecture running on top of target architecture without recompilation. This paper begins with the basic framework of dynamic binary translator, and then gives an overview of several leading dynamic binary translators. After that, it has a deep discussion about key challenges of the dynamic binary translator, including supporting precise exception in optimized code, mapping source architectural context to target architectural context, translating self modifying code, reducing translation overhead, and dynamic optimization using profiling data. The paper ends with the hot research topics and possible usage models of the dynamic binary translation technology.


