

    Data and Protocol Optimization Techniques in Wide Area Networks

    • 摘要: 随着互联网业务的高速发展,人们越来越依赖计算机网络来获取数据信息.但广域网固有的高丢包、大延迟特性使得网络应用的性能不佳.广域网优化技术可以显著提升用户网络体验,目前已成为研究人员和各大网络设备厂商关注的热点.从影响网络性能的不同原因出发,对目前的广域网优化技术深入研究,详细分析了前沿的数据优化和协议优化技术.从数据压缩、数据缓存、数据预取及重复数据消除4个技术层面对数据优化技术进行了详细阐述,同时从传输层优化和应用层优化2个角度分析了协议优化技术.最后对各大广域网优化厂商的核心优化产品及关键技术进行了讨论,进一步给出了广域网优化技术的研究方向.


      Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of computer networks, people increasingly rely on computer networks to obtain information. However, ubiquitous applications are deployed over the wide area networks (WANs), which have shown low transport efficiency due to the natural characteristics of WANs such as high latency and high packet loss rate. WANs optimization, also known as WANs acceleration, which aims to accelerate a broad range of applications and protocols over WANs, has become a hot topic in both academia and industry. Based on the in-depth study of the current WANs optimization techniques from different aspects that cause the WANs performance degradation, a survey is presented on the state of the art of WANs optimization or WANs acceleration techniques from the networking point of view including data optimization and protocol optimization. Data optimization also includes data compression, data caching, data pre-fetching and data de-duplication, while protocol optimization is depicted with transport layer optimization and application-layer protocol optimization. Meanwhile, how these acceleration techniques can improve application performance, mitigate the impact of latency and loss, and minimize bandwidth consumption is also illustrated. In addition, widely deployed WANs acceleration products incorporating major WANs optimization techniques are discussed. Finally, a conclusion and some perspectives are given.


