

    Multi-Scale Image Mosaic Using Features from Edge

    • 摘要: 提出一种映速有效的边缘特征点提取方法,实现多分辨率图像融合从而完成拼接.构建边缘图像的Gauss金字塔,从中提取稳定的特征点完成图像配准.复用金字塔信息实现图像融合,缩短整体拼接的时间.对方法进行仿真,实验结果表明误匹配特征点个数极大减少,配准精度提高到亚像素水平,同时配准和拼接的时间也大幅减少.最后从实验上分析精度提高的原因.


      Abstract: An algorithm, which turns out to be highly efficient and runs fewer time, is proposed to extract the features from edges of image, thus the multi-scale image fusion and mosaic can be carried out. We build an edge-smoothing pyramid and extract the stable features for image registration. By reusing the multi-scale representation, the registered images are fused, and the cost of mosaic is eliminated. The demo results indicate that this algorithm can greatly eliminate the false feature match, advance the precision of transformation between images to sub-pixel, and condense the computation cost of registration and consequent mosaic. Finally, an experimental analysis for the high precision is presented.


