

    VPGE: An LALR(1) Parser Visualization and Breakpoint Debugging System

    • 摘要: LALR(1)分析程序生成系统在编译器构造领域以外被许多普通软件开发者学习和使用.为帮助用户理解LALR(1)分析器方法,编写出正确、完整、无语法分析冲突的文法规范,严格定义了使用LALR(1)分析器生成器时用户可能遇到的几类文法问题,描述一个为帮助用户解决这些问题而开发的LALR(1)分析器可视化和断点调试系统VPGE. VPGE以多种视图显示LALR(1)分析器的数据结构,包括状态栈、符号栈、输入符号串、分析树和底层的自动机,支持LR分析动作的单步执行和断点调试.性能实验结果表明,VPGE比GNU的Bison有更快的分析器生成速度,从而提供了一个LALR(1)文法及分析器的快速交互式调试环境.


      Abstract: Parser generators such as YACC have been used in a large number of applications by non-specialized developers, not just those that involve compiler construction. A consequence of this is that good support is required for the comprehension of LALR(1) parsing techniques in order to developing correct, complete and conflict-free parsing grammars. Several types of potential problems in a grammar input to LALR(1) parser generators are defined, and an LALR(1) parser visualization and debugging system called VPGE is described. VPGE is an interactive system visualizing operations of the parser, supporting step by step simulation of the generated parser as well as breakpoints attached to grammar productions. Experiment result shows that the speed of parser generation in VPGE is even faster than that in GNU's Bison, which makes VPGE a fast LALR(1) grammar debugging environment.


