

    Workflow-Based User Environment for High Performance Computing

    • 摘要: 面向行业的高性能计算越来越复杂,一个任务的完成不仅仅需要计算服务,还需要数据服务以及各种辅助设备服务.依靠作业管理系统构建的高性能计算用户环境仅仅支持作业间的时序依赖,没有容错机制和健全的流程控制,不能完全满足日益复杂的面向行业的高性能计算用户的需求.基于工作流构建的高性能计算用户环境,在石油物探行业得到了较好的应用.它不仅便于业务流程的创建和控制,而且扩展了各种关系依赖和流程语义,特别是具有检查点功能的基于事件模型的工作流引擎,给系统提供了可靠性保证.这使得基于工作流的高性能计算用户环境能够灵活地适应不同用户环境的变化.


      Abstract: In high performance computing environment in many fields, to finish a task requires not only computing service, but also data service and all kinds of device services, which results in different relation dependences and is very complex. However, job management systems such as PBS, LSF, and Condor and so on, only support time dependence among jobs, and are short of fault-tolerance and complete flow control. Workflow-based user environment for high performance computing is successfully applied in petroleum geophysics, which not only benefits construction and control of task flow, but also enhances all kinds of relation dependences and flow semantics, especially for the workflow engine based on event model with checkpoint function. It provides good reliability. Thus, workflow-based user environment for high performance computing can be flexibly suitable for other different user environments.


