Direct anonymous attestation (DAA) adopted by trusted platform module (TPM) provides a platform with remote anonymous identity attestation. However, there is currently no universal and efficient DAA solution frame for mobile platform, while remote anonymous attestation is evidently required by mobile devices. To address this issue, we propose a DAA scheme frame applied for trusted mobile platform. By fully considering the background of mobile applications, we design the frame according to several elliptic curve based DAA (ECC-DAA) schemes, and adapt the frame to TPM 2.0 API and technology specification. The entity of mobile device manufacture as well as credential embedding and rejoining procedures are added into the frame and the revocation procedure is redesigned accordingly. Moreover, we present the architecture of trusted mobile platform based on TrustZone and TPM Emulator, which acts as one of important entities of the frame. The issues about sensitive information management and credential revocation are discussed. Four kinds of ECC-DAA schemes including CF08, BCL08, BL10 and CPS10 and three kinds of elliptic curves including MNT, BN and super singular curve are finally compared, implemented and analyzed. The experiment results indicate that the frame can be well compatible with these schemes and curves with high-speed computing performance.