

    A Tor Anonymous Communication System with Security Enhancements

    • 摘要: 网络用户对自身隐私信息保护意识的增强,促进了Tor,Crowds,Anonymizer等匿名通信系统的发展及广泛应用,从而为用户提供了隐私和信息安全保护.随着对匿名通信系统的深入研究,发现部分系统存在安全性不足,为提高Tor匿名通信系统的安全性,基于可信计算技术提出一种安全性增强的Tor匿名通信系统,改进后的系统提高了目录服务器的安全性,并基于可信计算技术确保了用户及匿名通信链路的可信性;通过与Tor匿名通信系统的比较,改进系统在具有可信性的同时,具有更高的安全性及抗攻击能力,解决了Tor匿名通信系统所存在的安全隐患;通过仿真分析可知,改进后的系统能够满足用户的匿名性需求.


      Abstract: The improvement of network users’ awareness of protecting private information promotes the wide application of anonymous communications systems, such as Tor, Crowds, Anoymizer, which can secure users’ information. Studies have offered the evidence that security vulnerability existes in the Tor anonymous communications system. Thus, in order to improve its security, an enhanced system is proposed to improve the security of directory server and ensure the credibility of users and anonymous link through the trusted computing technology. Based on the trusted anonymous authentication protocol, the directory server of the enhanced system realizes mutual authentication between users and the server, and implements the credibility evaluation of the server on user platforms. Therefore, the bad effects of malicious forwarding nodes on the security and anonymity of anonymous link can be prevented; meanwhile, session key agreement reinforces its anti-attacking ability, because the anonymous communications link of the enhanced system is completely constructed by credible nodes. Compared with the original system, the enhanced one not only ensures credibility, but also has higher security and better anti-attack capability, thus the security risks are eliminated. Furthermore the simulation analysis proves that the proposed scheme can meet users’ need of anonymity.


