

    A Comprehensive Computational Model of Emotions

    • 摘要: 情感作为人类具有智能的一个重要体现,是创建可信服的虚拟智能体不可或缺的环节.如何通过情感来提高虚拟智能体的智能性和可信服性已成为亟待解决的关键问题.结合生理和认知对情感的影响,提出了一种综合的可计算情感建模方法;设计了一个完全的过程框架,以描述情感在不同时刻如何动态变化以及如何处理多种混合情感的情况;并建立了基于具体描述事件和情感关系的情感结构,以产生具体、真实的情感行为;提出了交互学习机制以增强虚拟智能体对动态环境的适应能力.实例验证表明,此情感模型能有效地增加虚拟智能体在交互过程中的可信服性.


      Abstract: Emotion is an important aspect of human intelligence and is shown to play a significant role in creating virtual agent. Therefore, how to use emotion to enhance the intelligence and believability of virtual agent is an urgent issue to solve. Taken into account not only cognitive reasoning for generating emotion, but also physical interactions with its environment, a comprehensive computing emotional model is proposed. A complete architecture of emotion process is presented to describe the dynamic characteristics of emotional state and how to filter the mixture of emotions to generate coherent emotional state. The emotion structure with cause events is added to determine the specific effects the emotion will have on the decision making and behavior of the agent. In addition, a social learning component for predicting other agent's behaviours and relationships among agents is presented to improve virtual agents with the ability of adaptability in the dynamic environment. It is demonstrated experimentally through a computer simulation of virtual agents that the proposed emotional model can enhance the virtual agent's believability effectively.


