

    An Approach for Service Composition Process Searching in Large Scale Network

    • 摘要: 集中式的自动服务组合和非平凡服务发现能够根据给定的、具有特定输入输出的请求搜索出一系列满足要求的服务组合,是当前服务计算领域的研究热点.针对集中式结构带来的性能瓶颈和单点故障问题,提出了一种利用基于内容的分布式发布订阅技术实现大规模网络环境下的无中心自动服务组合方法,称之为流程搜索.基于内容的分布式发布订阅系统能够根据发布消息和订阅消息之间的内容匹配关系,将发布者提供的消息通过一系列中介节点转发给感兴趣的订阅者. 它可以为服务接口之间的可互操作性判定以及查询路由提供支持.将服务模型映射为发布订阅的消息模型,并利用基于内容的路由设计形成分布式环境下的搜索算法,并基于PADRES系统开发了一个PreSee原型系统.模拟实验显示,无中心控制的方法相对于集中式的架构而言,可以有效降低系统延迟,提高整个系统的效率.


      Abstract: Centralized automatic service composition and so called non-trivial service discovery can retrieve compositions of services for a given request that contains particular inputs and outputs, and are now popular research topics in the area of service computing. Aiming at tackling the bottleneck and single-point-failure problems caused by centralized architecture, a distributed approach based on content-based distributed publish-subscribe technology, is proposed and in turn decentralized automatic service composition in large scale network is implemented. It is called process search in this paper. Content based distributed publish-subscribe system can deliver publication messages from publisher to interested subscribers hop by hop via a set of brokers by using content matching relationships among publications and subscriptions. It can offer a platform to support interoperability matching among service interfaces and to enable query routing in a distributed environment. In this paper, the service model is mapped to the message model of publish-subscribe system, the searching algorism is put forward based on content-based routing,and a prototype named PreSee is developed based on PADRES system. The stimulation experiments show that compared with centralized approach,this decentralized approach can reduce system latency by parallelizing searches among the distributed resources, thus improving efficiency of the whole system.


