A Possibility Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm Based on the Uncertainty Membership
摘要: 模糊聚类是聚类分析的一个重要分支,模糊C-均值聚类算法及其改进算法都是一种基于概率约束的聚类方法,所采用隶属度的取值形式体现了数据集的绝对隶属程度,常常出现不理想的聚类结果.对此,提出了不确定隶属的概念,在此基础上,通过提出两个基于相对隶属程度的判断准则参数,设计出一种新的基于隶属关系不确定的可能性模糊聚类新算法, 并给出了具体算法实现. 新算法将迭代过程中数据集对聚类簇隶属的可能性与不确定性关系引入目标函数中,达到明显的优化聚类结果的功效.理论分析和实验结果表明,相对其他聚类算法,新算法具有更高的聚类正确率.Abstract: Clustering, as an unsupervised learning method, is a hot topic in data mining and has been widely used. Fuzzy clustering is an important branch of clustering. Many representative fuzzy clustering algorithms have been proposed, such as fuzzy c-means. Fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm and its improved versions are absolutely probability constrained clustering algorithms, which adapt the membership forms that represent the absolutely subordinative extent of the data. Some complex data distribution would make this absolutely subordinative extent invalid, for data objects perhaps can not be judged to belong to some cluster absolutely. It has been demonstrated that these problems deteriorate the clustering performance greatly. To solve these problems, uncertainty membership relationship are proposed. On the basis of uncertainty theory, a new possibility fuzzy clustering algorithm based on uncertainty membership (UMPFCA) is developed by applying two relative subordinative degree based judgment criterion parameters. UMPFCA introduces the possibility membership and uncertainty membership of data sets to the corresponding clusters into objective function during each iteration, which is possibility membership degree and uncertainty membership degree. Meanwhile, the algorithm based on new theories is implemented in which clustering process can be performed efficiently. Theoretical analysis and experimented results testify that UMPFCA has higher accuracy of clustering compared with K-means algorithm and fuzzy c-means algorithm.