

    An Agent-Oriented Methodology ODAM for Adaptive MAS

    • 摘要: 面向Agent软件工程被视为是一种可有效支持复杂系统开发的新颖软件开发范型.为支持复杂多Agent系统的开发,面向Agent软件工程的研究需发挥Agent技术的潜力和灵活性,借鉴软件工程领域已取得的成果,提出了一个面向Agent软件开发方法学ODAM以支持自适应多Agent系统的开发.ODAM以动态绑定机制作为自适应多Agent系统的核心机制,借助于组织学的概念和思想对自适应多Agent系统进行高层抽象和自然建模,以管理和控制系统的复杂度;集成了迭代开发和MDA方法以适应Agent技术平台的多样性,简化复杂自适应系统的开发.介绍了ODAM的方法学框架和具体的技术细节,包括动态绑定机制、基于组织抽象的元模型和建模语言、基于迭代开发和MDA的软件开发过程,并进行了案例分析.


      Abstract: Agent-oriented software engineering (AOSE) is viewed as a novel paradigm for complex systems. However, it is still a challenge to develop complex MASs that are dynamic, open and even self-adaptive with such technology. To deal with the problems, twofold should be considered when conducting the research on AOSE: the potentiality and flexibility of agent orientation paradigm should be extensively exploited and AOSE should borrow and integrate successful technologies and practices of software engineering. In this paper, an agent-oriented methodology called ODAM for adaptive MAS is presented, which is based on dynamic binding mechanism, borrows organization metaphor to model adaptive MAS in an abstract and natural way, and integrates iteration development and MDA approach to simplify the development and adapt to the variety of agent technologies and platforms. The methodology framework and technical details are introduced, including dynamic binding mechanism, meta-model and modeling language based on organization abstractions, and software development process based on iteration development and MDA. A case is also studied to illustrate the approach.


