

    EasiTest: A Multi-Radio Testbed for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

    • 摘要: 设计并实现了一种多Radio的异构无线传感器网络综合测试平台系统EasiTest,该平台采用了两种不同性能、功能的测试节点,可以支持大规模、异构传感器网络综合性能测试以及应用性研究.平台内采用了结构复杂、功能完备的多Radio的EZ271作为中高速测试节点,以及以WiFi作为测试通道的EZ521作为中低速测试节点;系统提供传感测试数据收集、数据管理、资源分配、服务器状态检查、节点状态检查与参数配置以及资源注册共享等功能模块,保障用户能够方便快捷地实现功能实验;通过友好的Web访问页面,用户能够模拟真实的网络环境对多种类,如802.15.4,802.11协议等,以及多层次,如MAC层、路由层、应用层等的网络协议研究成果进行灵活的综合实验验证,从而能够有效地提高无线传感器网络技术的研究效率.


      Abstract: In this paper we propose a heterogeneous multi-radio testbed for wireless sensor networks. Sensor nodes with medium-high speed radio and medium-low speed radio, namely EZ271 and EZ521 respectively, are developed for the testbed. The testbed can support both the study and applications of large-scale, heterogeneous sensor networks. An administration platform is provided to monitor and control the testbed. EasiTest enjoys high flexibility, powerful processing capability and ease of expansion. The performance of sensing, data collecting, data management, resource allocation, server status checking, nodes status checking and configuration, resources resignation and share modulus can be evaluated in the testbed. We can also config the preferences, resign the resources and share the resources via the friendly user interface of the testbed, where various protocols such as 802.15.4 and 802.11 can be tested by users. Multiple layer protocols can also be tested in the testbed which can greatly improve the research and deployment efficiency of various types of sensor networks. EasiTest provides a powerful tool not only for the study and evaluation of large scale, heterogeneous sensor networks, but also for quick prototyping of practical WSN applications. To demonstrate the capability of the testbed, data transmission with single-radio and multi-radio are tested on this testbed, and the results are also given.


