Closely Social Circuit Based Routing in Social Delay Tolerant Networks
摘要: 无稳定拓扑使时延容忍网络(delay tolerant networks, DTN)路由协议主要通过增加冗余数据包副本提高路由性能.社交网络是DTN的一种典型应用场景,但由于其网络规模相对较大,当网络负载高时,通常的DTN路由不能有效控制数据包副本的数量,从而产生大量丢包导致性能下降.借鉴MANET网络中利用分簇结构控制网络冗余路由数据包的思想,通过分析社交网络中节点的移动模型,定义了在社交关系的约束下,聚合移动规律相近的节点构成最近社交圈的节点簇组成策略.提出了一种基于该分簇结构的分为簇外喷射、簇间转发和簇内传染3个阶段的社交时延网络路由协议.实验证明,这种基于最近社交圈分簇结构的路由能有效地控制冗余数据包副本的产生,并在高网络负载的情况下仍然能够达到较好的性能.Abstract: In delay tolerant networks (DTN), multi-copies of packet are used to improve performance by many routing algorithms. But uncontrolled redundant packets will increase the payload of networks even infect network communication especially in large scale social networks. The problem is that the redundant packets which can’t be well controlled by routing algorithm will cause the node’s packet buffer overflow and drop useful packets. In mobile adhoc networks (MANET), using cluster architecture is a feasible way to resolve routing problem and decrease the redundant routing packets in the similar scenarios. But the clustering algorithm in MANET can’t be used in DTN directly, because the topology of DTN changes rapidly and the links between nodes connect intermittently due to the high mobility. In social DTN applications, such as vehicles of the public transportation system or campus mobile networks, it can be found that the node’s mobility (such as time and path) follows a special rule. Based on this characteristic, closely social circuit is defined and a clustering algorithm is presented in which nodes with similar mobility rules can be clustered in the same social circuit. A routing algorithm is proposed based on this social circuit architecture, which consists of spray, forward and epidemic phases. It is proved by the experiment that the proposed clustering method and routing algorithm can effectively control redundant packets, and it is more efficient than other DTN routings used in the high payloads and large scale network scenarios.