

    Detail Extraction from Three-Dimensional Relief Surface

    • 摘要: 浮雕是在曲面上雕刻出凹凸起伏物体细节的一种雕塑,近年来受到许多人的关注.人们希望运用电脑技术将三维浮雕呈现在屏幕中,并对其进行再创作.在对浮雕进行分析前,很重要的一个问题是将浮雕细节部分从背景曲面中提取出来.该问题可以被看作曲面分割问题,但是现有的大部分方法都有其局限性,即对于带有细节的浮雕曲面并不能很好地提取出浮雕细节网格.使用迭代求解的手段能够更加准确地估计背景曲面,即基曲面的位置,从而能够更加准确而自动地提取出浮雕细节层网格.通过实验表明,该方法对于基曲面占优的浮雕网格具有很好的提取效果.


      Abstract: Reliefs are sculptures that are carved on a surface of bump ups and downs. In recent years, they have received a lot of attention. It is hoped that the three-dimensional reliefs will be presented on the screen, so that we could easily edit them and carry out its re-creation. Before the analysis of reliefs, an important task is to extract the details from the background surface. This can be seen as a segmentation problem. However, current algorithms have some restrictions on the input and output results, for example, the output relief are connected with no holes, or it needs some careful interactions. In this paper, we provide a more accurate method for estimating the background surface, called base surface. With the iterative means, we can then extract the relief details automatically. Various experiments show that our method can obtain good extraction results for base region dominated reliefs.


